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It's Outrageous that a self-proclaimed "Socialist" is running for President

I don't pay as much attentino to the presidential debates as I did in the past because, let's face it, no matter who wins it's just going to be more of the same.

It's called the Welfare/Warfare state ...

In fact, I'm going to stick my neck out and call it now, Bush vs Clinton 2016 (the sequel! Wait ... the trilogy? how many are we on now?)

turn on images to see who wins 2016 presidential debate

But I must admit that I simply can't believe that a self-proclaimed "Democratic Socialist" is running for president ... and actually doing ok.

His name is Bernie Sanders if you haven't heard, and yes, he's definitely pushing socialist agendas. 

Today, I'm going to let my friends at Laissez Faire weigh in on this monstrosity.

Take it away Chris ...

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If you use any form of social media, and have any friends or followers at all, you’ve undoubtedly come across the hashtag.

And you also undoubtedly feel the ‘bern’ of yet another fellow American falling… yet again… for the socialist trap.

And here are some scary numbers to chew on this fine Monday afternoon…

According to social media analytics firm RiteTag, #Feelthebern is tweeted 625 times per hour.

With that, it’s getting 2.11 million views and being shared 883 times…


Also according to RiteTag, some of the latest pictures shared are…

 Let’s face it. Bernie Sanders is ‘hot right now.’

And here’s the thing…

We don’t disagree with him on everything. In fact, here are just a few things we can say, from a 10,000 foot view, we agree with…

** Get big money out of politics.
** Create decent paying jobs.
** Care for our veterans.
** End the drug war.
** And on…

But how he plans to do most of these things, of course, is what we absolutely, unequivocally, without a single shred of doubt... completely... disagree with.

He’s a one-trick pony. His only solution is a bigger government to "better" redistribute wealth. Which, if history is any guide, doesn’t work.

Alas, some are doomed to repeat humanity’s mistakes. And they think that it makes perfect sense. Especially the majority of the millennials, who, caught in a trap of student debt, wish someone would wave a magic wand and make it all go away.

I know many of these people. And have heard many of them, on many different occasions, tell me that they don’t plan to ever pay off their debt. Their plan is to just let it fester until it’s absolved.


Apparently, enough millennials rubbed the lamp and… miraculously... out popped Uncle Bernie, here to soothe all their ills with free stuff.

Oh, wait. There he is now, on his white unicorn…

How will you do it, Bernie?

Raise the taxes.

But just on the rich, right?


Wait… what? 

What most bernwashed Americans don’t get is it’s not the super rich who are going to #feelthebern… it’s them.

Everyone… we repeat… everyone is going to get taxed to death so our government can waste more of our money on illegal things Big Governments love to do...

The end result, of course, is that this country falls to its knees and stays there.

In the meantime, all the services that Bern is offering for free might become free -- but they will also continue to degrade. And they will quickly become completely irrelevant in our society. A big waste of resources and time.

We can already see it happening in regards to education.

Many think Sanders is somehow ‘new,’ and ‘edgy,’ and he’s on the fringe.

When, in reality, he’s just spouting the same old [expletive deleted] that governments have always promised when a charismatic leader steps up in a time of crisis.

Bigger government. Bigger government. Bigger government. 

If that mantra doesn’t keep you up at night, you need a little dose liberty in your life.

Or maybe a whole lot. But that’s up to you to figure out.

"Molon Labe!"

Caleb Lee Signature

Caleb Lee







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